First Faculty of MedicineCharles University in PragueGeneral University Hospital in Prague

Gabriela Rolová, PhD







224 968 276 

Research Interest

Addiction sciences, quantitative data analysis, population-based studies, health registries

Selected Projects

2017–2022, Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (OP VVV), Modernization of a doctoral study program in addictology in prevention science and treatment of substance [no. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_018/0002489]; team member: 2022–present.

2019–2021, Charles University Grant Agency (GA UK), Health Literacy in People Undergoing Treatment for Drug Addiction [no. 8119]; principal investigator.


  • Research practicum III.

Selected Bibliography

Rolová, G., Gavurová, B., & Petruželka, B. (2021). Health literacy, self-perceived health, and substance use behavior among young people with alcohol and substance use disorders. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, Article 4337. (IF 2.849)

Rolová, G., Gavurová, B., & Petruželka, B. (2020). Exploring health literacy in individuals with alcohol addiction: A mixed methods clinical study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, Article 6728. (IF 2.849)

Rolová, G. (2020). Health literacy in residential addiction treatment programs: Study protocol of a cross-sectional study in people with substance use disorders. Adiktologie, 20(3–4), 145–150.

Rolová, G., Miovský, M., & Barták, M. (2018). Veřejně dostupné zdroje dat a prevalence užívání návykových látek u rodiček, dětí a mladistvích a možnosti využití těchto dat pro prevalenční odhady pacientů a klientů [Publicly available data sources and prevalence of substance use in pregnant women, children and adolescents and the use of these data for patients’ and clients’ prevalence estimates]. Adiktologie v preventivní a léčebné praxi, 1(4), 224–235.

Rolová, G., Barták, M., Rogalewicz, V., & Gavurová, B. (2018). Health literacy in people undergoing treatment for alcohol abuse - A pilot study. Kontakt, 20(4), 425–431.

Rolová, G., Barták, M., Rogalewicz, V., & Šťastná, L. (2018). Prevalence poruch příjmu potravy u žen hospitalizovaných pro abúzus alkoholu [Prevalence of eating disorders in women hospitalized with alcohol abuse]. Adiktologie 18(1), 42–49.

Curriculum Vitae

Czech & English