First Faculty of MedicineCharles University in PragueGeneral University Hospital in Prague

Bachelor's Degree


Are you interested in the influence of legal and illegal drugs on a person’s behaviour, development, health, and role in society? Do you want to become an addiction specialist who can help people at risk of drug dependence and their immediate community? Are you interested in public health and mental health problems associated with legal and illegal substance use? Then studying Addictology is just for you!


Photo: Vladimír Šigut

What we offer

  • Qualifications for pursuing the paramedical profession of Addictologist (addiction specialist).
  • Transdisciplinary theoretical and practical competencies for prevention, harm reduction, and treatment of alcohol, tobacco, and illegal substance use and behavioural addictions. A particular emphasis is placed on practical skills for working with people with substance use disorders.
  • Instruction led by leading experts in the addiction sciences and related fields.
  • Core research skills.

What career opportunities are available

  • Addiction counselling
  • Substance use prevention
  • Harm reduction services for people who use drugs
  • Inpatient and outpatient treatment services, therapeutic communities, aftercare services for people with addiction
  • Healthcare and social services
  • Educational and school sector
  • Police and prison services
  • Private sector


Photo: David Kaufman

General information about this course of study

Form of study:

Full-time/Combined (part-time) form

Standard duration of study:

3 years

Degree awarded:

Bachelor's degree (Bc./BSc)

Study completion:

State final examination + bachelor thesis defence


Admission requirements

Diploma requirements:

Admission to bachelor studies requires completion of secondary school with completed leaving exam.


Written entrance exam (biology + general addiction science).

Language requirements:

Czech only.

Tuition fee:


2727Want to learn more?

You can find more information on the website of the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.