First Faculty of MedicineCharles University in PragueGeneral University Hospital in Prague

Opioid Maintenance Treatment

What do we provide?

  • high-threshold methadone substitution program,
  • intensive therapeutic and counselling services are an essential part of treatment to help address not only the addiction itself but also other related problems,
  • control of abstinence through urine toxicology tests and alcohol breath analyzer,
  • examination and consultation with a psychiatrist, with the possibility of pharmacological treatment of associated mental disorders,
  • social and addiction counselling,
  • group and individual psychotherapy,
  • cultural, sport and art therapy activities,
  • internal care with the possibility of treatment of somatic complications of addiction, including viral hepatitis C.

For whom?

  • persons over 18 years of age with an illicit opioid dependence problem who are interested in stopping the use of all illicit drugs.
