First Faculty of MedicineCharles University in PragueGeneral University Hospital in Prague

Psychotherapy and Family Therapy

What do we provide?

  • professional psychotherapeutic outpatient care for addicted persons, their partners, family members and entire families threatened by the addiction of one of their members,
  • specialized facility for family therapy for addictions and "codependent" or dependent family systems,
  • team includes psychiatrists, psychologists, addictologists and specialized social workers,
  • wide range of services focused on family therapy, individual and group psychotherapy, and care for children and adolescents from families of people who have drug or alcohol related problems.

For whom?

  • persons over the age of 18 who have a substance use problem or addiction to substances or activities,
  • close persons of patients (partners, parents or adults in the families of people with addictive behavior) whose mental health problems may be caused by a traumatic experience with a loved one.
