1. lékařská fakultaUniverzita KarlovaVšeobecná fakultní nemocnice v Praze
zouharova 18.02.2020

Implementing a Prevention Training Curriculum in Europe: Adaptation And Piloting (UPC Adapt)


Řešitel projektu

Doc. Mgr. Roman Gabrhelík, Ph.D., Klinika adiktologie 1. LF UK a VFN v Praze


European Commission


Číslo projektu


Doba řešení

1. 1. 2017–31. 12. 2018


While prevention science has advanced over the past 30 years in terms of the conceptualisation and accumulation of evidence of effective interventions and policies, prevention in real-life practice lags behind in most (EU) Member States. Prevention providers often use unproven and ineffective prevention strategies without scientific foundations. Evidence however suggests that the success of prevention interventions depends not only on whether effective interventions are available but to a greater extent on the people who implement them and their level of training. The Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) will be pilot-implemented in 9 EU member states. The UPC was developed through the US-based organization APSI, Applied Prevention Science International with renowned prevention researchers in the US. It is based on UNODC's International Standards on Drug Use Prevention and the EDPQS, European Drug Prevention Quality Standards. The UPC includes: physiology and pharmacology, monitoring and evaluation, prevention in the areas of family, school, workplace, media and community.


Veškeré projektové výstupy jsou dostupné na internetových stránkách koordinátora projektu.



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